Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tiny Giants in the Land

     It's funny how when the Israelites went into the promised land they still had giants to face. God didn't magically chase them all away for them. They had to face them; and though God gave them the strength and victory, they still had to show faith by actually doing their part and fighting them.
     I am now facing my first giant in our new, lovely home that God has given us: ticks! I picked one off our dog this afternoon, and my husband found two crawling on him today. Because of our mild winter this past year, they especially thick. Only a few minutes ago, he whispered to me, "What are you doing? I just found a tick crawling on me in our bed."  It took my groggy mind a second or two to process that one...then, my mind began playing tricks on me.  I began feeling invisible bugs crawling all over me. Isaiah 41:10 instantly came to mind which says, "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."
     So I'm going back to bed, and resting in the promise that I don't have to be afraid. God hasn't brought me to this amazing home to let me be defeated. He is right here with me.
     Do any of you country folk have advice for this city girl? I'd be much obliged if you'd leave it in my comments section!


  1. I second the motion on the guinea fowl....I read that some chickens eat ticks, too....and I also read that toads eat ticks...

  2. Not sure if this works, but I just read the other day that tea tree oil works as a natural tick deterrent.
