Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Song Remembers When

     I thought I was a patient person until I became a mother. My children have challenged my patience like nothing else. 
     This last week I was reminded of  something that really helps me: music. I was feeling really discouraged by all the boxes I needed to unpack when my 4 year old turned on some music for me. It was amazing how I instantly felt lighter and happier, and I had a better attitude. I felt like I got a lot more accomplished in the next half an hour than I had for the previous 2 hours, and with a spring in my step.
     It reminded me of my secret to showing our house for 6 months. When we would prepare to leave the house for a showing, I was tempted to get angry, discouraged by what still needed to be done and start yelling at my kids. I use to sing a song from church over and over out loud to help keep me from yelling at the kids. My kids were always so helpful. There wasn't any reason to be upset with was the the routine of simply getting four kids out the door plus our dog by a specific time that was so hard, and trying to leave the house dish-free, laundry-free, and odor free.
     Music is so helpful that this past week when we were informed of some potential setbacks to closing on our house (besides praying about it), the first thing I did was to turn on a Lincoln Brewster cd and start singing my heart out. Everything appears to be straightening out in that regard, and our final hurdle of the bank appraisal is scheduled for Monday. I could have wasted time worrying over it, or even worse, yelled at the kids about something little because of the stress I felt.
     This past week I also felt encouraged when we were obviously late for a doctors appointment, and God helped me bite my tongue and not snap at the kids. It ended up working out just fine, and we had a wonderful day together...but it could have easily gone south if I'd set the tone for the day with a little sarcasm which I had sometimes do when I'm frustrated.
      Recently our pastor talked about looking for little victories, and I guess that's why I'm sharing this with you. Little victories can add up to big change over time. My patience and self- control of my tongue are a constant area that I need to grow in...I'm still figuring out the whole "be angry, and sin not." I find myself apologizing a lot.
     The next time you feel discouraged, I challenge you to turn on the radio or a cd you love. Crank it up!
     What have you been struggling with lately that you seen a victory in? I'd love for you to leave them in the comments below, and I'd love to pray with you about them if you are still struggling like me.


  1. Oh, many of your posts seem to apply to my life! Just this afternoon, I thought, "I need to put on some music to redirect my attitude!" I love your idea of singing a song aloud when you feel your patience wearing thin!

    Our pastor's sermons are online, and I have found this really helpful to get me through late nights of catching up on housework! When I feel overwhelmed or discouraged, I just listen to truth while I work on the chores I didn't get done during the day, and it resets my spirit in the right direction.

    Thank you for your posts! Your writing has encouraged me, and it's been great to see this adventure unfold!

  2. I'm so glad to write, and thrilled to find out that it is meaningful for you! That's a great idea about the sermons too...never thought about that one. I am grateful to listen to them when I have to miss because my little ones are sick and I stay home with them. Thanks for the idea!
