Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Give Life

           My favorite thing in the whole world is the look on someone's face getting something they really.  That's what my favorite part of Christmas is...watching our kids open gifts we've spent months planning. I don't really do New Year's resolutions; but this year, I did. I resolved to be more generous. Joyce Meyer says that when you feel depressed you should go out and do something nice for someone else. I've had many blue days lately,  so this is my course of action.
          A friend of mine recently had a child born with Trisomy 18 (the median lifespan is 5-15 days). Her family has chosen to remain positive and celebrate every moment with her, naming her Olivia (which means "life"). I've been praying and following her story for the past few months after they found out later in her pregnancy (here's a link to their video where they tell their story in case you didn't see it on my Facebook page). They put out a request for meal help, but since I now live six hours away, I asked if those at a distance could donate money. They shared this link for those who want to donate: https://life.indiegogo.com/fundraisers/the-peterson-family

        This morning we read Isaiah 33 for school. Verse 15-16 says, "The answer is simple: live right, speak the truth, despise exploitation, refuse bribes, reject violence, avoid evil amusements. This is how you raise your standard of living! A safe and stable way to live. A nourishing, satisfying way to live." We talked about how it's not enough to just follow God's rules as Christians. We need to actively make a difference. I told the girls that I wanted to donate some money to our friend's family. I told them that they could donate with their giving money if they wanted to. Later today, one by one they gave me money that amounted to $38. I couldn't be happier! I doubled it to make it an even $80 to give away.
          This blog isn't for bragging (except on how cool God is), so why am I sharing this with you? At first, I thought I would ask you all to donate to this cause (and if God's telling you to do that, that'd be awesome), but God calls us all to different needs. Maybe you know of another need that is just as great. If you will leave a comment of your favorite charity or person in need on here or Facebook,  Mr. Blue Eye's will randomly pick a name and I will donate $40 to that charity. I know this isn't something you personally get anything out of, but just imagining the look on God's face is all the reward in the world that I could ever want.

Please join me in praying for Olivia.

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