Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Teensy Weensy Problem Loading Noah Ark

            When I told one of my friends about all the animals we would be moving, she laughed and told me it reminded her of Noah's ark. There have been many times that I have thought about Mrs. Noah and wondered how she maintained her calm while discussing sharing living quarters with all those animals for a year. We had our 90 lb. Weimeraner, Harley, plus our two outside cats, Sierra and Oreo. They rode with me. Let's just call my vehicle the "quiet sweet-smelling vehicle". We also have five hens plus two Mallard ducks (so far she has laid twenty-two eggs in her clutch, and is yet to begin sitting on them). They rode with my hubby. When we stopped at the gas station for a pit-stop, the brief glimpse I had of his vehicle made me extremely grateful for my car load. All the quacking and clucking (combined with the smell) would've been enough to make me nauseous.  The hens dutifully layed three eggs in transit and pecked their hearts out on the towel in their cage. Last but not least in our "ark" are my daughter's two small-mouth salamanders, Teensy and Weensy.
             It was a good hour after we started our caravan on Friday that I received a phone call from my nature lovin' child. She informed me that her two beloved salamanders had been left behind.  I was a little shocked she forgot them. Nothing makes her smile more than holding her little Teensy and Weensy. I'm not a huge fan of anything without fur or feathers, but I know how much she adores I even allow canned crickets in my refrigerator (double sealed in a ziploc bag, mind you). After a couple of phone calls, the gentleman driving our truckload of boxes offered to care for them and bring them along with the rest of our stuff.  What a relief it was for my daughter to have them back this morning!
           I can't tell you how much my dear mother-in-law helped us when she rode out with us and stayed for a couple of days. It was so nice to have her there to watch the kids in a pinch and help me with driving. She made the trip so much faster for me by chatting with me most of the way. I wondered if Mrs. Noah was similarly blessed by her woman companions on the ark.
          Our seller has agreed to lease to us till we can close next week, so the movers unpacked us today. I'm so glad to have that taken care of. I will tell you more about our house in the next post, but let's just say that I'm grinning from ear to ear. It's good to be home.


  1. Yay! Welcome home!!!

    The image of your Noah's Ark caravan reminds me of a story my Dad likes to tell about a road trip he made once in his van with 2 goats and a flock of chickens roosting on a ladder in the back. He said every time he hit a red light, the goats would wander up to the front to see why the van stopped. They would then start baa-ing loudly out the passenger window, startling people on the sidewalks and the drivers beside him. Glad all your critters made it to their new home safely!!!

    1. That's awesome! I don't know if I could handle goats.;)
