Saturday, July 6, 2013

Two Steps Forward, One Step Backwards

           This morning I became reflective after I was doused in a good amount of baby vomit (mostly just milk with a small amount of sticky acetaminophen). Our poor little man is running a low grade temp because of getting a couple of vaccinations yesterday. In an effort to make him more comfortable,  I gave him some Little Noses dye-free grape medication. He grimaced and made horrible faces. I thought he disliked it, but I didn't expect him to then empty the contents of his stomach all over himself,  myself, and the floor. Some things are just hard to swallow.
               That's what this last week has felt like for me. We had our home inspection in Kansas (which produced one major fixable issue), we lost half of our chickens; and biggest of all, the buyer for our home walked away in the middle of negotiations. I know that God promises all things work together for good for those who love Him, but this was not an easy week. Romans 5:3-5 is one of those disturbing verses that makes you say "Really?" However,  today it seems fitting to my situation. It says, "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." I feel like I'm definitely developing some endurance after this week.
                 This week means fewer eggs, more showings, and more potential house hunting.  We know a good deal more about our home than we did a month ago, so we can address issues that were a problem this round. God has the right buyer for our house out there. This apparently wasn't the one. It feels like we took two steps forward, but one step backwards.  As long as we keep walking though, we will eventually move forward. If we chose to dance this path instead of walking, we might even enjoy this adventure. It's time to break out the boots.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that. God does have his timing.

    7 years ago we listed our house for sale. We got an offer almost right away, then they walked away, we felt the offer was too low. Meanwhile we didn't answer the first time God told us about this house. A few weeks later he sent another friend to tell us about this house (a for sale by owner that wasn't advertised). We finally looked at it. It was perfect for us, just needed a little work. We said we would take it and asked if they would wait a few months so we had more time to sell our house. 24 hours later the people who backed out of negotiations put in another offer that we accepted.

    During this time, I had a new born baby (kid #3), and I was finishing up my last semester of school, while trying to keep the house clean.

    God makes it work, we just have to trust him.

    1. Thanks Chantel! It's good to hear that it will all work out. It's the waiting that's hard!
