This morning while I ran, I listened to one of my favorite CD's: Toby Mac's "Eye On It". All the songs on the CD are awesome to run to except for one track, but I can rant about that in another post. The lyrics from the title song encourage me a lot because it talks about the importance of keeping your eye on your goal. It says," I got my eye on it, and I will not quit. I got a new passenger to help me navigate the way, So when my heart hits the floor I can recalibrate. I feel the deeper callin' me, all else is fadin' in the past, So let me run in the race that I know is built to last. 'Cause I can feel the wind at my back. Chest is pumpin' like a heart attack. Feet are moving and my mind is locked. Pressing on I gotta take my shot. I got my eye on it."
This morning, I reflected on this past week, and all that we accomplished. We prepared the house for six showings. The only minor hitch was that my one daughter's bowels invariably need to empty whenever we are at the park during a showing, but my potty stashed under the back bench of our van has been quite handy...we've just had to endure the smell on the trip home. Yesterday, we found that our favorite park just got a port-a-potty. Hooray! That won't even be a problem anymore. I was tempted yesterday to feel whiny about one couple that delayed us from going home. I needed to drop off the pooch, so we could do some grocery shopping. I felt irritated that they were taking so long looking at the house; but when I stopped to think that maybe they were there so long because they really liked it, I felt hopeful instead of annoyed. Our goal is to sell our house as quickly as possible, so being flexible is important.
This past week, I completed another goal. My continuing education is all done for the next two years. I will give you one pearl of wisdom that I gleaned concerning cirrhosis of the liver. If you're drinking more than seven drinks a week, ladies, you had best be drinking some espresso as well.
Although we haven't successfully negotiated a house contract in Kansas in the past week, we have made progress in ruling out more homes. Hopefully, we will have news to share concerning that within a couple of days. It has been a long time without being together as a family, but I can see the finish line ahead in that regard as well. I'm grateful to my hubby for driving to see us every weekend since May 20th (except for one). That has been a huge sacrifice on his part, but we need his presence. Our three year old counts down the days on the calendar every week. You should hear all the girls holler when they see him pulling down our drive. It's one of my high points for the whole week.
This leg of our race feels like it's coming to a close. My hubby's assistance with temporary housing is up on August 20th. With the finish line looming ahead, there is a new surge of energy within me. We're so close. I can't help but want to sprint to the finish!
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