Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Adventure Begins

We have sold our house, but we are not sure where we are moving to. 

I could be panicking at this moment, but I’m not.  We are moving in less than seven weeks.  I’m a planner.  When I was in high school, I had my life planned out pretty much until I was 26 years old.  I like structure.  I do not like change.   I like rules because they make me feel safe, but here I am excited, and hopeful in the face of change. Our house has been on the market since December, and we knew where we were moving up until very recently.  We were planning on having our move generously financed by the company my husband is working for.  It was part of his deal from when he was hired, but the position that he had is no longer going to be in existence within a few months.  We had a clear goal, and a clear plan of direction.  That has all changed.
When I was growing up,  I remember a set of books from the library entitled “Choose Your Own Adventure”.  Every few pages you were presented with a choice.  Choice “A” might take you to one page while choice “b” would take you to an entirely different section of the book. After a few choices, it was almost impossible to backtrack if you chose a bad ending.   Some endings were boring, and some were just plain creepy.  Inevitably, I had to reread the books until I had the happy ending.
Right now, our life reminds me of one of those books.  We are a fork in the road with infinite possibilities.  At first, I was a little panicked that we were selling our house without knowing where we were moving to.  Ok, I was more than a little panicked, but after a little Kleenex, a lot of prayer, and looking at all that has happened for good in the last year, I’m convinced that something amazing is about to take place.  In May, we took a trip to Colorado to investigate a possible job out there.  My sweet husband asked me what it would take for me to think that we should move to Colorado.  I told him if 1)something happened to his current job, 2)our house sold (after having no offers in the past 5 months of showing it), and 3)there was still a position available to him in Colorado that I would be game for the move.  Never in a million years did I think that all of that would happen in a week and a half…and yet it has.
So does this mean we are moving to Colorado?  I’m not sure.  There are still opportunities here in Illinois.  I’m not sure what the path is up ahead, but I think it is going to be quite the journey.  Where will our adventure take us next?  Stay tuned, and find out with me.


  1. Rachel - I'm so excited for you and your family. I know that prayer carries you and it's obvious by this post. Keep us updated!

  2. I didn't know Colorado was an option!? That would be most amazing! :)

  3. Excited for you and your family as you approach this fork in the road....thanks for starting this blog so we can share in the adventure with you and pray, pray, pray! God is sovereign and has a plan!

    P.S. I loved those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books, too, and read all the options along the way to find out the best possible outcome!

  4. I LOVED those books too! What excitement and adventure! Though sad to know you're leaving....certainly need to keep in touch. =)
