Thursday, June 21, 2012

Longing to Settle

     First of all, Wisconsin is currently out of the running as far as jobs.  My hubby has a second interview today a few hours from where we live in Illinois, which is promising.  There is also an interview in Michigan on Monday.  As far as we both know, production has not begun in that would be a red light in that direction for this moment.  I keep praying that God will provide a job that will pay for us to move.
      This last week has had its shares of up and downs.  We had our home inspection done, and there were a number of things the buyers wanted taken care of.  We are currently in negotiations about them, but they seem to be responding reasonably about this.  We, of course, are trying to be reasonable as well.  
      This morning I was thinking that I would just like to know where we are going, and know where we are going to settle.  I feel overwhelmed thinking of all that will be happening in the next few weeks.  There's not a whole lot I can do right now, except to enjoy the peace and quiet.  I really long for my hubby to find a job that is satisfactory, so that we can begin digging in and establishing a new norm.  It hasn't been ideal to have my hubby gone for so much of the work week for the past 8 months, but it was something that we all made sacrifices during...and I believe we are a much, much closer family.  We have adapted, and I'm proud of my children.  I'm also very proud of my hubby,  driving several hours a day for an extended period of time on top of long days has to be incredibly hard to sustain.  Yet he has.  Kudos to him!
     Every day, I read a few chapters in my Bible, and today a couple things really spoke to me especially in light of my desire to settle already.  Moses was addressing the Israelites in Deut.29:6 when he says, "The reason he (God) hasn't let you settle down to grown grain for bread or grapes for wine and strong drink, is so that you would realize that it is the Lord you God who has been caring for you."   This year is the first year that we haven't planted a garden for as long as I can remember being here.  We enjoyed our asparagus, strawberries, sour cherries, lettuce, cilantro, chocolate mint tea and raspberries, but this wasn't anything we had to plant.  It all came up on it's own.  I know that God is watching out for us, and caring for us.  I am even more aware of it right now because I'm constantly talking to Him about my situation and feeling His peace.  Earlier this week when my hubby talked about buying a mobile home, I took several deep breaths...and had several conversations with God about this.  In my mind, I picture moving to a home out in the country with a large tire swing hanging from a tree and a wrap-around porch, not that there is anything wrong with trailer parks-it's just not what I have envisioned for our large family. 
     The second thing that really spoke to me was Deut 32:11 that says, "He spreads his wings over them, even as an eagle overspreads her young.  She carries them up her wings-- as does the Lord his people."  I had mentally pictured a baby eagle sitting on its mother's wings, and it filled me with warm fuzzies to think of God carrying me like that.  I tried to find a picture of it on the internet.  The more I looked into it , I realized that's probably not an accurate picture.  I realized that it refers more to the mother eagle pushing her babies out of the nest, and if she sees that they are unready to fly yet, she swoops in to carry them on her wings and glides to safety.  
     This actually seems even more appropriate to my situation though.  I feel like I'm being pushed from my nest, but God is waiting to carry me if my wings aren't ready yet.  There is a speed implied in this, and I know that God's timing is perfect.  The thought of a safety net like that is enough to make me want to smile, and tell my children that this IS all going to work together for our good.  I don't know where we will settle yet, but when we get there it is going to be good...and it might even have a tire swing and a wrap-around porch.

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