Saturday, June 23, 2012

My favorite stories

     Well, it is officially just a month till we close on our we will be moving sometime before then.  The mood was honestly a little tense around here today, so I began reminiscing on some of my favorite stories from this house. They cheered me up, so maybe they'll make you smile too.
     When we first moved into our home, it had one full bath and one half bath...although I'm not sure that the full bathroom could really be considered that because it had only a bathtub which was a slight problem for me at the time.  I was six months pregnant, and I only took showers.  The thought of washing my long hair in the bathtub was a bit daunting.  There was a shower in the corner of our cobwebby basement, but I assured my hubby that it was scarier than any camp shower I'd been in, and that I would NOT feel clean after showering in it.  Being the excellent problem solver that he is, he ended up attaching a very long garden hose to the utility sink in the basement that reached all the way through the house to our 2nd floor bathroom and ended in a shower head attachment.  I used our cell phone to call him on the cordless home phone in the basement in order to ask him to make the water "a little hotter", or "a little colder" until he got it just right.  At the end of my shower I called him to get him to turn it off.  It makes me smile just to think about it.
      Then there is time that our 2nd story toilet overflowed, and the children and I came running downstairs in time to see a downpour of water cascading from the ceiling into our informal dining area.  Picture yourself behind a waterfall, and you are not too far off from what I saw.  Unfortunately, all the Halloween candy was in bags on the counter directly under the water fall.  We had to throw the candy away, and they told everyone they met that they were afraid of "the flood".  It was lots of fun explaining this one.  They were so afraid of another "flood" that it took several months to convince them that it was OK to flush the toilet.
      We ended up purchasing an alarm system for our home several years ago, and we clearly explained to them to not go downstairs in the middle of the night...but to come and get us in our room.  We even set the alarm off, so they could hear just what it would sound like so there would be no curiousity.  We felt like we had been very thorough in explaining this, but our two year old had a very restless night.  In the middle of the night, I was startled from my sleep by the sound of the alarm going off.   I was in the children's room supposedly comforting my two year old when I had dozed off.  I met my husband dashing into the hallway also startled from his sleep.  He instantly asked where our two year old was, and when we put two and two together, I ran down the stairs to find her shaking in fear.  The alarm had reached that extremely loud pitch that hurts most human ears.  She literally lept into my arms, and we turned off the alarm.  She had gone looking for me, and hadn't realized I was sleeping right next to her.  After that, she told everyone that she was scared of the "beep, beep", which I had to explain was the sound our alarm made.
      I'm not sure what our future holds, but I know Who does.  I've been listening to the newest CD by Britt Nicole, and the lyrics from her song "Who You Say You Are" have really encouraged I'd like to share them with you (I took the liberty of taking out some of the repeating lyrics to make it easier to read):   You know my name.  I know You wrote my story.  But there are days, I can't see a happy ending.  No, no.  Life get's hard.  Sometimes it just hurts.  It's kicking me down and throwing me curves. When I feel the rain,  I won't be afraid.  'Cause I know You are Who You Say You Are.  You are the One still standin' when everything is fallin' apart.  Yeah, You got my heart.  I'll still be smilin' when the sky is dark.  'Cause I believe that You are Who You Say You Are.  I've had control, but I didn't know where I was going. Yeah, yeah.  I went down my road, but my road just left me broken, yeah yeah.  I see it all now.  I don't know how, but there's never been a time that You let me down. Or walked away, so I'm not afraid.

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