Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Harley, our dog

     I thought that we'd have a direction by late yesterday, but my husband is still in negotiations.  I love telling people stories of things that have really been a blessing in my life, and our dog is one of those.  He also happens to be the beautiful face for my profile picture.  My husband has wanted a dog for almost as long as we have been married.  We both prefer bigger dogs to smaller dogs, although I've always considered myself more of a cat person.   I love their independence, and the fact that you never know when they will feel like rubbing up against you or taking a nap on you.  Dogs have always struck me as needy, drooly, and a lot of work.  The one dog I did have was an outdoor pet, so I have zero experience with an indoor dog.  My hubby really wanted an indoor dog.  I was not really all that excited about the inevitable hair and potential dog odor that seem to go along with an indoor dog.  I foresaw a lot of cleaning--not exactly the thing a mother of four is excited about jumping into.
     I've been flexible about a lot of things, but one thing I was very firm on throughout our marriage was that I didn't want a pooch until we had all four of our children (thus making our family complete--little did I know my future).  I also wanted my youngest to be at least two, so she would know better than do something silly to cause the dog to act on instinct and lash out.  Well, when our fourth child was about 6 months old (18 months ahead of my schedule), my husband expressed a strong desire to start looking for a dog.  A friend of mine, who is much more knowledgeable about dogs than I am, insisted that we'd be much better off with a three year old dog than a puppy.  Puppies are a lot of work.  My husband was agreeable to looking for an adult at shelters, but we just couldn't find what we were looking for.  He came to the conclusion that he really wanted a puppy.  I told him that he could override me if he had to, but I wanted to wait until our six month old was walking and our two and a half year old was potty-trained before getting a puppy.  He told me that he was willing to wait. At the end of February in 2011, I told him that since our youngest was an early walker and our other child was almost fully potty-trained that I'd be fine with getting a puppy for his birthday in May.  I thought that would give us plenty of time to prepare.  The same day he found a five year old (85 lb.) Weimaraner on craigslist.  He told me that his name was Harley.  For those of you who don't know me very well, that wouldn't be very significant.  That was my dad's name who passed away over 20 years ago.  I thought, "This is either going to be a really good dog, or a sign that he is not the one."  We went and visited him, and instantly fell in puppy love.  His previous owner had a five year old child, so he had been raised since he was a puppy with children.  He was extremely good-natured and his previous owner had done a lot of training with him.  It was so much fun for the girls to get him to do tricks.
     We slept on it overnight, and the following morning agreed that if we were going to get a dog that year, that this would be the one we should get.  To top it all off, his owner said to keep him for a week, and if he wasn't the dog we thought he was, that we could give him back.  His owner said that the reason that he was giving him up was that he didn't get enough attention.  Let me tell you, he has no lack for attention in our family!
     He is an amazing dog.  He's never had an accident, and he has been a total sweetheart.  His only bad habit is that he tries to sneak on the couch in the middle of the night, so we gate our living room at night.  I'm so glad that we got him, and after having four children, I realize that I am a natural dog-lover.  Nothing is as needy, drooly, or as much work as a young baby.  He is easy in comparison.  Also, there are side benefits.  My daughters used to be so fearful of tornadoes, but when they found out he howls at the sirens, that fear was instantly gone...as he sleeps in their room on a comforter.  No one can ignore his howling.  He adores me, and is always around to cheer me up when I feel low.  I have to say that I adore him as well.  My youngest tells everyone that Harley is her "baby".  In fact the first word she could say after mama and dada was " 'arley".  Because of him, I hear my dad's name on a daily basis which is also rather sweet.
     It is a wonderful thing when your husband's desires lead to something that truly blesses you as well.  This is the case with our dog Harley.  I'm so thankful for the day he padded into our life!  My kitchen floor is cleaner than ever, and my heart is much happier.

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