Thursday, July 5, 2012

Going the Distance

     There are so many metaphors for life that you can use from running, but that's not what this is about.  This is a call for help from any of you out there with experience.  I'm not an expert runner.  I've been running for about a year and a half.  A friend put a couch to 5K challenge on Facebook around Thanksgiving of 2010, and I thought, "Why not?"  Although I've never actually run a 5K race,  I did complete the training program.  It only required me to run three times a week for 30 minutes (plus warm-up and cool-down).  I thought that it was doable.  Nine weeks later, I ran a 5K in my basement on my treadmill.  I was exhilarated by the whole thing.
     I've been running three times a week pretty consistently since then.  However, this fall while trying to sort out a hubby being gone 15 hours a day and figuring out my first year of homeschooling, I struggled a little with the three times a week part...sometimes I only ran twice a week...oh, all right, there were a couple of weeks that I only ran once--and for 20 minutes instead of the original 30.  There.  That's the truth.  Anyhow, this February, I became convicted that I needed to get back on track.  I've been steadfastly running the 30 minutes 3 times a week since then.
     Now I'm pregnant though.  I've never worked out through a pregnancy, let alone run.  I know a mother of 8 (soon to be 9) who ran a half-marathon at 20 weeks.  She also told me that the last time she was pregnant that she ran until she was 32 weeks pregnant, and worked out up until the day she delivered.  I'm pretty sure she has a super mom cape hidden somewhere under her clothes.  I'm not sure that I can do that, but I'm curious to see what I am capable of and if it helps with some of  the fatigue that I've felt before.  This whole RV/ townhouse thing might present a challenge, but I'd really like to continue on.
    I'm eight weeks pregnant, and I'm still running.   We were able to see the baby for the first time this past week, and hear the baby's heartbeat .  Everything is normal and right on track.  It is always amazing to see the tiny arms and legs already despite the fact that I don't feel pregnant (other than my craving for fudge bars). This tiny little one will have an interesting is now less than three weeks till we close, and we haven't signed any leases yet or bought an RV.  I have a feeling this one will be a natural adventurer.   
     Could you tell me if you've had experience with this good or bad?    Also, could you do me one more favor...if you know someone who has experience, could you pass this on to them?  I'd really love to hear some stories and tips!


  1. Personally, I stopped running when we learned I was pregnant. It was my first baby and the doctors asked me not to run. BUT they said I could walk as much as I liked. So I walked 6 miles a day until about 30 weeks when I really began to "feel" the pregnancy. Then I just walked a shorter distance.

    Your body is going to tell you when to slow down or stop running, assuming you listen to it. If you want some pregnant running inspiration, Kara Goucher and Paula Radcliffe. Or you can look over articles at Runners World:,7123,s6-238-275-559-0,00.html

    1. Thank you so much for your story!! I will definitely look it up!
