Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 27: Kitty breaks

     One of my favorite things about homeschooling is that when the girls go on "recess", I oftentimes find them sitting on the bench outside our back door holding a sleeping, purring cat. They could literally sit for an hour or more just holding their sleeping cat.  As a result of all the time they spend doting on their cats, we have two very, very friendly cats.  They come running when they hear the door open.
     One key thing for me that helps keep my emotions in check is having some down time. I really could work non-stop, but all work and no play makes for a very grumpy mommy and wife. When I am not working, I hear a lot of critical voices in my head telling me that I'm slacking and my family will suffer. This fall it was even a struggle for me to reason that it was ok to take a half hour to blog even though it really makes me happy to write down my thoughts. However, I've found that milk needs to be closely tended when making hot cocoa or making I pull up a stool and blog (while stirring every few seconds). Yes, we have hot cocoa/make yogurt that often.
     Everyday I take time to read my lesson if I'm involved in a Bible study; or if I'm in between lessons or sessions, I read a chapter or two in the Bible (I'm in Job right now). This is essential down-time for me and essential to my mental health. Before I developed a real relationship with Christ, I had no desire to read the would have been one more thing to check off my list of good things to do, but the Bible has come to life for me as my love has grown. I used to look at God as a stern professor angry when I was "late" or absent for my Bible reading, but now I look at him as my best friend waiting for me with a cup of coffee in His hand hoping to share just the right words with me while I read the Bible. He's not angry if I miss our date...just disappointed. There is only love not condemnation.
     I really look forward to having a little one because it is one of God's greatest ways to tell me to slow down and enjoy the moment. I just can't do everything. A baby needs to be held and cuddled. They thrive on attention and kisses. It is an easy excuse to sit down, smell their sweet heads, and remember that God feels the same way about us. He holds us in His arms with the same love and patience.
     A couple of days ago while emptying the vacuum dirt into the trash, I noticed one of the girl's cats waiting on the bench for someone to cuddle with.  I sat down and took a kitty break. It was fun to watch the cat try to find a spot on my diminishing lap to lay down...she finally settled on top of my baby bump. It was fun to feel the baby respond to the warmth and purring mound of fur on top of him. There was no kicking...Harley (the dog) has gotten kicked a time or two when he rests his head on my tummy while I read to the girls...just gentle adjustments and movements. I couldn't help but smile and feel recharged. I think God was smiling too...maybe this is part of why He made cats...for little breaks on the bench. When I heard my two year old screaming in the house, I knew it was time to go back in. It was easier to go in with gentleness and patience on my mind after my break. It wasn't hard to control my volume in my words.
      What kind of breaks do you like taking? What makes you smile?

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