Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In the Still of the Night

         Congratulations, Chantel! You are the winner of your very own copy of "No More Perfect Moms"! I will be sending your copy in the mail. Just be sure to follow the directions listed in the last post, so you can claim all your freebies. "How to Fight For Your Marriage" was probably one of my favorite sessions of all time from the annual Hearts at Home conference, so be sure to check that one out.
        Life has changed around our house with a new little one. Everyone has been impacted,  and I just want to say thank you to my hubby and daughters for taking such good care of me. Because we had a home birth, yesterday was our first outing and the second time for my feet hitting the stairs. That means I have had A LOT of fabulous room service between water, meals, and yummy snacks ( the grilled burgers my hubby made hit the spot...along with French Toast...and fresh cinnamon rolls--TWICE). I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! I'm hoping soon my hubby will do a guest blog all about it.
        My hubby is headed back to work tomorrow, so my mom is here to step into my role for the remaining week of my two week "vacation". The girls are also enjoying their two weeks off from school and fight daily over gets to hold the baby. My biggest adjustment by far is managing diaper changes. This is our first boy, so I'm not used to the fountain effect. I believe we will be looking into a Peepee Teepee.
         I have affectionately  nicknamed our newest addition "Zyggy Piggy" (Any "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" fans out there??), and he is living up to his name with his good appetite. He had his first pediatrician appointment yesterday, and is doing very well. He gets up twice a night to feed (yesterday his night was from 8:30pm to 8am), but his feedings take almost a full hour at night especially if it involves a diaper change or outfit change (due to his fountain). I actually don't mind being up in the middle of the night right now, since I'm guaranteed a nap during the day. It's one of the few quiet times to look at him and really absorb his sweetness without interruptions. I used to wake up in the middle of the night all stressed out and be unable to go back to sleep. This started when I was a teenager and lasted till I went through Great Banquet.  Nowadays, I pray when I'm awake at night. Sometimes God brings someone to mind to pray for, or sometimes He gives me a special assignment.  I think He used to wake me up at night to speak to me because as a mom I was too distracted during the day to listen. I ignored Him for a long time. I usually fall asleep very easily now; but when I don't, there is usually a good reason. Sometimes, I wake up because I have an unresolved issue...there is someone I have wronged or something I need to confess. I know many people suffer from a physical problem of insomnia, but mine was a spiritual problem. Last summer while waiting to know where we would be living, my mom asked me how I was which I replied,  "Like a baby." Many people were suprised by this, but God had me all wrapped up in a peace bubble (and I know part of this was because so many of you were praying for me).
         I enjoy my solid sleep, but for now I will make the most of being up in the still of the night. Who knows...I may be praying for you.

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