Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Napping Fiasco

                I remember waking up feeling refreshed for the first time in several days.  I had no idea that sleeping for 30 minutes could feel so good!  That’s when my eyes caught the clock, and panic began to set in.  I reached for my phone in my pocket, and realized that it was on vibrate.  I had missed my alarm, and four phone calls…three of which were from the local elementary school that my oldest attended.  At the time, I had a one month old, a two year old, a 5 year old, and a 7 year.  I realized that I had somehow slept for more than 2 hours, and I was late to pick up my daughter…not just 10 minutes late, but 40 minutes late!  The baby had stayed asleep in the swing for the entire time, and my 2 and 5 year old had watched an entire movie instead of shutting it off when the timer I set went off.  I was mortified as I quickly listened to messages on my phone from the school asking if I was ok and letting me know that my child would be in their latchkey program.  I quickly got the kids ready, and listened to the baby bellow since she was hungry after sleeping for so long.  I felt like the worse mom in the world and could just imagine the trauma that my first grader was undergoing.  I was sure that every teacher there was discussing my irresponsibility and the fact that I had no business having so many children.  When I arrived, everyone was very understanding about the situation.  My first grader had made me a card that said “Did you forget me?” on the outside and thanked me for letting her dream come true on the inside.  Apparently, she’d always wanted to stay for the latchkey program.  That night, she even happily shared that it was her high point for the day.  I was horribly embarrassed about it, but I had to realize that at the end of the day no damage was done except my pride. We don't like to admit to our imperfections, but it's time to stop being so fake. There is a great book that encourages us to admit that we are less than perfect...and it is finally ready to purchase.  Here are some details to encourage you to consider getting it this week:

Everyone loves a good investment…especially one that comes with a big bonus! This is one of those investments that you don’t want to miss! Purchase Jill Savage’s new book No More Perfect Moms anytime between February 3-9 (online or at a store…and yes, electronic versions such as Kindle and Nook count too!) Send a copy of your receipt to Scan it, take a picture of it - just be sure to send it to the email! You'll be given access to well over $100 worth of resources that will help you on your mothering journey - absolutely free! What will you receive?   6 Sixty Minute Audio Workshops (MP3 format) from Hearts at Home
  • Desperate for Wisdom - Dr. Juli Slattery
  • How to Fight for Your Marriage - Dr. Juli Slattery
  • It is Well with Your Soul - Jennifer Rothschild
  • Multiple Intelligences - Dr. Kathy Koch
  • Ten Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs - Jill Savage
  • The God Who Sees You- Tammy Maltby
4 Printables from Hearts at Home
  • 10 Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs
  • “Love Is”--I Corinthians 13 for Parents
  • Mom Rules
  • How to Fight Fair In Marriage
3 Free E-book’s (including PDF, Kindle, iPad, and Nook editions!) from Moody Publishers
1 Contest Entry You will be entered in a drawing to win hotel accommodations and two Hearts at Home Mom Conference registrations for you and a friend at a conference of your choice! (If unable to attend a conference, a Hearts at Home Conference To-Go will be substituted for the winner and a friend.) This offer is available for this week only (Feb 3-9)! Grab a copy of No More Perfect Moms, scan your receipt, email it, and start enjoying your new book PLUS all of the extra bonuses you’ll receive! It’s “mom university” delivered right to your computer!

I will also personally be giving away free copies of this book...with one catch:

Leave your own personal story of being less than perfect in my comments below.  Just to clarify, you do not have to be a mom or even married to participate.  The book talks a lot about other things besides just motherhood (including decorating, organizing, and our self-image). Maybe you'd even like to share a comment to be able to pass along this book to someone else.

For every 10 comments, I will give away one book (with a maximum of 10 books as my limit...and I will faint if I get that many comments because I rarely get that many views on each post). I will draw names on Wednesday, so stay tuned.


  1. Great post! Recently, I was making baked French toast for breakfast. My large family was hungry and I was running behind, but when the egg mixture turned a lovely copper color I took the time to check the spice in my hand. Paprika. Not cinnamon. That was an...interesting breakfast! There is no perfect homemaking; even for someone who's been at this many years.

    1. That's hilarious! It reminds me of recently when I used cayenne pepper instead of paprika...yikes! It was just a little spicy.;)

  2. Oooh, thanks for the giveaway!

    Recently my wee one had what we like to call a "poopsplosion" in the car on the way to the grocery store. Down the leg, up the back...full of gooey grossness. Her pants were a casualty. I changed her diaper, but my emergency backup change of clothes was nowhere to be found. Fortunately, we were in a parking lot with a children's secondhand clothes store. It was 40-50 degrees out, but we trekked across the parking lot, my little one wearing a shirt, coat, and her diaper, with her bare little legs hanging out. I quickly picked out a pair of pants and paid for them, then asked the cashier..."Ummm, could you cut the tags off? We had a little poopsposion out in the car!" The cashier looked at me like I had 2 heads, then ripped the tags off for me. Note to self: keep the emergency clothes bag stocked!!!

    1. Love the word "poopsplosion"! Can I borrow it? I also love when people (obviously) without children are clueless about real parenting.:)

  3. Kelli here...
    Let me count the ways I find myself less than perfect...where to begin!!
    When our first was born, I liked to think that my mothering skills would just get better with each child who was born. Well, our third is a year old...and although I'm faster at diaper changes these other mothering skills just continue to be "in progress".

    My sweet 1 year old had a little party for her 1st bday. We were trying to pick up toys, and say good bye, as everyone was leaving. My hubby nor I noticed the basement door was open...there were other older children playing down there (5 years and under). I heard our 1 year old crying. Yes, it happened, she fell all the way down a dozen steps. Thankfully, God protected her tiny body and she was ok. (I can only imagine the lovely angel that caught her as she fell). At her very own party, I could miss something major enough to cause her to fall. That is a not perfect mom moment!!

    1. True confession...three of out my four kids have fallen off the bed onto their heads when under a year old. I cut my third oldest nail when she was only 2 days old, and cut several fingers. She was bleeding and I was sobbing to the Dr.'s answering service. They've all survived in spite of me.:)

  4. When my oldest was in preschool I got to preschool to realize I forgot to dress her up in her Halloween costume. On my way home to get the costume I called and turned down the job I was just offered because I knew that was God's way of telling me I was meant to be home with my children for a while longer. Had I been working , I wouldn't have been able to go home to get her costume. I also wonder if he's still trying to send me that message every time my children forget their lunches, instrument, or homework (although I don't take it to them anymore unless I'm going to the school, natural consequences).

    I've also forgotten that my child is the snack kid a couple of times for preschool and had to make a quick trip to the store to buy snacks.

    Just last week my daughter came home on Wednesday with her glasses broken. Instead of going to get them repaired right away, I decided to wait until Saturday, when I would be near the eye doctor. On Friday they had eye testing at school. She failed her eye test so I should be getting a letter from the school wondering how I could be so oblivious to my child's blindness (OK, the letter won't say that it'll just say I need to get my child's eyes checked).

    I've also lost my children a couple of times, had a friend of my child's who was spending the night fall out of a tree and break their elbow, corrected some homework wrong, and we won't mention how many times dinner has been a flop, the house hasn't been cleaned, and my kids have ran out of clean clothes.

    Those are just a few of the many times I've been less than perfect.

    1. Congrats! You are the winner!! Could you please send your address to my email at
      Thanks! Btw, I love your stories...I can totally relate!:)

  5. I received my book today! Thank you! I probably won't get to read it until this summer since I'll be starting my temporary teaching job in a couple of weeks.
