Saturday, June 15, 2013

All Locked Up

           Our youngest is four month old and unintentionally pulls hair when he is excited to play with you. I quickly defend him to his sisters that "he's just a baby"and doesn't know what he's doing, while untangling his fingers from their hair. It doesn't hurt any less, but at least it doesn't feel malicious. There always comes a day of reckoning when you realize they ARE fully aware of what they are doing. I think this past week the was a real eye opener for me concerning the former baby of the family.
           We had a playdate with a couple of friends, and at one point in the evening I felt compelled to go check on the five year olds while letting Harley out one last time. As he strolled along to his usual haunts, I walked toward the barn and heard some yelling. The chicken wire cage was being vigorously jerked back and forth.  Finally,  when I was a few feet away, I could make out what they were saying. "_____ locked us in here. HELP! Let us out!!"  My three year old had locked in my five year old daughter and her friend in the chicken coop! When I went inside the house and questioned the three year old, she grinned sheepishly and said she'd locked them up so they didn't follow her!?!  This past week my mom also called me on some behavior I was allowing her to get away with. I'm glad to have a little wake-up call especially when it is by someone I know truly loves us...and when no one has been hurt.
            Honestly, parenting is overwhelming at times for me...especially when I long to really say something to a good friend without being interrupted 50 times. However, this is the job I chose and I am not alone. God has given me a wonderful hubby (and this separation is only temporary) and wonderful friends that are offering to help left and right. For right now, the help I need is a little grace from you while I try different strategies to sort this out.  My lil' tyrant needs some boundaries concerning rude behavior, and occasionally a little more attention when possible. Yes, I know that this too shall pass. Eventually,  she too will learn to stand quietly like the rest while I chat for a few minutes. I'm guessing she may continue with some of her other mischief for a while though,  so you may want to stay away from the chicken coop.

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