Thursday, June 20, 2013

Prolactin Junkie

              I've had several people mention that I appear to be doing pretty well considering everything happening in my life in the past year. We moved last July and are preparing to move again. (Here's that story.) We've also added a fifth child to our crew in January. Our son has been a huge blessing to me. He is a daily reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment, like watching him discover his toes, our dog's floppy ears, and even his deep belly laugh.
           One of the things that I struggle with is my negative thought patterns and from time to time, depression. Plugging into church, spending daily time meditating on God's word, hanging out with other ladies, and eating properly makes a big impact on how I deal with it all. There however is another blessing that I've had from our recent suprise baby boy. Some of you may know that while breastfeeding a baby your body releases this wonderful hormone called prolactin. It is what allows your milk to "let-down", and helps you actually feel really calm and happy. It also helps you feel loving toward and bonded to that little one you are nursing (that lovely euphoric feeling is part of what got me through my very painful experience with nursing the first time around). I get cranky and irritable when I wean a baby...I don't realize what a prolactin junkie I am till it's time to quit. I definitely felt the effect during our last trip/vacation.
            One of the great things about moving to our next location is that my brother and his family live in the area. Our kids have always wanted to live closer to their four cousins and now they will. When we went house-hunting a few weeks ago, we decided to make it more of a vacation by spending a little time with all of them. The hardest thing about that vacation was the drive out. The baby was fussy for the last few hours of the trip due to the time of day we traveled (which was even later than planned because I had forgotten my charger and had to turn around) We stopped at least 5 times on what would have taken 6 hours and 7 minutes (had we driven straight through...which NEVER happens with five kids). My fuse was getting short each time we chose to stop; but thankfully, prolactin saved the day and my sanity. Each time we stopped, I had a little natural dose from nursing the baby. We did eventually arrive with our sanity intact.
            I have given up on perfect vacations, but I'm thankful to God who knew exactly what this stage in my life would be...and what I would need. He knew how much the prolactin would help me. He also knew that I would totally lose my case of the grumpies when I saw our handsome baby boy break into his ear to ear grin (It works on my occasionally grumpy, hormonal preteen as well). He knew I would need an excuse to sit down quietly during this craziness and rock. He knew...and he knows what's ahead.

 What's the hardest part about vacations for you?

Today I'm joining others in blogging about "No More Perfect Vacations". Click here to read more blogs participating in the Third Thursday Blog Hop for Hearts at Home.

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