Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear Hubby

Dear Hubby,
       You are an amazing man! I think you tend to focus on the negative things about yourself (like I do about myself); so this Father's Day, I wanted to tell you what I admire about you as a Father.
       I loved my dad, and thought he was amazing too. I knew he was aware that I messed up from time to time, but I ALWAYS was convinced of his love for me. This is one of the things that I think you really excell at. The girls know you love them. I see the same happy look in our girl's eyes that I had when they find that you always watch their crazy ride down the hill on their big wheel or their flip onto the couch. I see the delight in their smile when you take them to the store with you and bring them back with candy (for my dad, he almost always took me for a Blizzard).
       The way you take them on regular dates fill my heart with happiness because I know how much that relationship investment means to them now (and will mean to them in the future). There is something priceless about having someone look at you with unconditional love...they don't know how lucky they are. It still makes me miss my dad a little when I see your relationship with them, but that's ok. I often bemoan the fact that my dad is gone; but when I talk to friends,  I realize how many of them are still lacking that sense of their father's love or approval. It makes me grateful that I at least had it for a good portion of my childhood. I'm thrilled that our girls will have that for the rest of your life.
        I love that you always take time to listen to them whenever they feel like talking...really listen to them.
        I'm glad that when I asked the girls who they think your favorite is they unanimously said it was me. I'm glad they are growing up in a home that they see you putting our relationship as a priority.
        I think it is seriously manly of you that you are quick to apologize to them if you are wrong. When I hear others speak of their fathers never admitting that they are ever wrong, it makes me sad. We are all human, duh!
       I want you and the world to know how awesome you are! You have not followed in your father's footsteps, and that's a great thing!! You are a real man!

I'm proud of you, and I love you so much!
                            Your Adventure Partner,
                             Adventure Girl                                    

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